Hi, Teacher Elaine - !
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  • Verify your learners are kids with a video check-in
  • Don't encourage learners to share Personal Identifying Information (like emails or social handles)
  • Don't share zoom links — even if parents ask!
  • When in doubt, reach out!

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Thursday Nov 11 at 3pm Mountain
Class met over video chat
Teacher Elaine - , Allison, Ashley, and Lucia joined.
Hello Everyone:  Are you all ready to make some bread?  Please look over the recipe before class.  Your cutter or glass just needs to 2.5 -3.25 inches.  Remember that you can cover your bread with a clean dish cloth or plastic wrap.  Do you have any questions?  See you soon! 
Hello:  I have attached a list and recipe.  I also included a measuring video.  Please email me if you have any questions.  Thank you. 
Teacher Elaine -
Tuesday Nov 9 at 10:46am Mountain
Welcome! I'm excited that you joined this class. Would you please introduce yourself to me and the other learners? And please share any background or questions you have in this topic area. 

Enrolled (4)

Avatar for Allison


Age 10
Avatar for Ashley


Age 10
Avatar for Lucia


Age 10

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