IBM SPSS Web Report - LLH_report#2_Output.spv   

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Frequencies - Q4 Do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing in protecting national s(more)ecurity? - July 21, 2021(less)
Q4 Do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing in protecting national security?Q4 Do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing in protecting national security?, table, 1 levels of column headers and 2 levels of row headers, table with 6 columns and 6 rows
  Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 Approve 521 47.1 47.1 47.1
2 Disapprove 444 40.2 40.2 87.3
3 Neutral or no opinion 140 12.7 12.7 100.0
Total 1105 100.0 100.0  
Crosstabs - Q4 Do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing in protecting national sec(more)urity? * Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? Crosstabulation - July 21, 2021(less)
Q4 Do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing in protecting national security? * Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? CrosstabulationQ4 Do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing in protecting national security? * Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? Crosstabulation, table, 2 levels of column headers and 3 levels of row headers, table with 8 columns and 11 rows
  Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? Total
1 Republican with leaners 2 Democrat with leaners 3 Pure independent 4 Prefer not to answer
Q4 Do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing in protecting national security? 1 Approve Count 74 367 55 25 521
% within Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? 16.1% 84.8% 41.7% 31.6% 47.2%
2 Disapprove Count 353 36 30 24 443
% within Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? 76.7% 8.3% 22.7% 30.4% 40.1%
3 Neutral or no opinion Count 33 30 47 30 140
% within Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? 7.2% 6.9% 35.6% 38.0% 12.7%
Total Count 460 433 132 79 1104
% within Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Crosstabs - Q19 Do you think immigration across America’s southern border poses a national security (more)threat to the United States? * Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? Crosstabulation - July 21, 2021(less)
Q19 Do you think immigration across America’s southern border poses a national security threat to the United States? * Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? CrosstabulationQ19 Do you think immigration across America’s southern border poses a national security threat to the United States? * Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? Crosstabulation, table, 2 levels of column headers and 3 levels of row headers, table with 8 columns and 11 rows
  Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? Total
1 Republican with leaners 2 Democrat with leaners 3 Pure independent 4 Prefer not to answer
Q19 Do you think immigration across America’s southern border poses a national security threat to the United States? 1 Yes Count 368 141 49 34 592
% within Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? 80.0% 32.6% 37.1% 43.0% 53.6%
2 No Count 67 204 52 20 343
% within Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? 14.6% 47.1% 39.4% 25.3% 31.1%
3 Don't know or not sure Count 25 88 31 25 169
% within Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? 5.4% 20.3% 23.5% 31.6% 15.3%
Total Count 460 433 132 79 1104
% within Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Crosstabs - Q19 Do you think immigration across America’s southern border poses a national security (more)threat to the United States? * party_approve Party identification and Biden approval/disapproval on national security Crosstabulation - July 21, 2021(less)
Q19 Do you think immigration across America’s southern border poses a national security threat to the United States? * party_approve Party identification and Biden approval/disapproval on national security CrosstabulationQ19 Do you think immigration across America’s southern border poses a national security threat to the United States? * party_approve Party identification and Biden approval/disapproval on national security Crosstabulation, table, 2 levels of column headers and 3 levels of row headers, table with 6 columns and 11 rows
  party_approve Party identification and Biden approval/disapproval on national security Total
1 Republicans who disapprove of Biden on nat. sec. 2 Democrats who approve of Biden on nat. sec.
Q19 Do you think immigration across America’s southern border poses a national security threat to the United States? 1 Yes Count 314 108 422
% within party_approve Party identification and Biden approval/disapproval on national security 88.7% 29.4% 58.5%
2 No Count 29 182 211
% within party_approve Party identification and Biden approval/disapproval on national security 8.2% 49.6% 29.3%
3 Don't know or not sure Count 11 77 88
% within party_approve Party identification and Biden approval/disapproval on national security 3.1% 21.0% 12.2%
Total Count 354 367 721
% within party_approve Party identification and Biden approval/disapproval on national security 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Crosstabs - Q20 Do you view China’s efforts to expand its influence around the world as a national s(more)ecurity threat to the United States? * Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? Crosstabulation - July 21, 2021(less)
Q20 Do you view China’s efforts to expand its influence around the world as a national security threat to the United States? * Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? CrosstabulationQ20 Do you view China’s efforts to expand its influence around the world as a national security threat to the United States? * Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? Crosstabulation, table, 2 levels of column headers and 3 levels of row headers, table with 8 columns and 11 rows
  Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? Total
1 Republican with leaners 2 Democrat with leaners 3 Pure independent 4 Prefer not to answer
Q20 Do you view China’s efforts to expand its influence around the world as a national security threat to the United States? 1 Yes Count 378 244 74 41 737
% within Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? 82.2% 56.4% 55.6% 51.9% 66.7%
2 No Count 43 98 18 15 174
% within Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? 9.3% 22.6% 13.5% 19.0% 15.7%
3 Don't know or not sure Count 39 91 41 23 194
% within Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? 8.5% 21.0% 30.8% 29.1% 17.6%
Total Count 460 433 133 79 1105
% within Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Crosstabs - Q20 Do you view China’s efforts to expand its influence around the world as a national s(more)ecurity threat to the United States? * party_approve Party identification and Biden approval/disapproval on national security Crosstabulation - July 21, 2021(less)
Q20 Do you view China’s efforts to expand its influence around the world as a national security threat to the United States? * party_approve Party identification and Biden approval/disapproval on national security CrosstabulationQ20 Do you view China’s efforts to expand its influence around the world as a national security threat to the United States? * party_approve Party identification and Biden approval/disapproval on national security Crosstabulation, table, 2 levels of column headers and 3 levels of row headers, table with 6 columns and 11 rows
  party_approve Party identification and Biden approval/disapproval on national security Total
1 Republicans who disapprove of Biden on nat. sec. 2 Democrats who approve of Biden on nat. sec.
Q20 Do you view China’s efforts to expand its influence around the world as a national security threat to the United States? 1 Yes Count 303 208 511
% within party_approve Party identification and Biden approval/disapproval on national security 85.8% 56.7% 71.0%
2 No Count 27 81 108
% within party_approve Party identification and Biden approval/disapproval on national security 7.6% 22.1% 15.0%
3 Don't know or not sure Count 23 78 101
% within party_approve Party identification and Biden approval/disapproval on national security 6.5% 21.3% 14.0%
Total Count 353 367 720
% within party_approve Party identification and Biden approval/disapproval on national security 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Crosstabs - Q17 Which of the following best captures your thinking about COVID-19? * Party_id In pol(more)itics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? Crosstabulation - July 21, 2021(less)
Q17 Which of the following best captures your thinking about COVID-19? * Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? CrosstabulationQ17 Which of the following best captures your thinking about COVID-19? * Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? Crosstabulation, table, 2 levels of column headers and 3 levels of row headers, table with 8 columns and 11 rows
  Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? Total
1 Republican with leaners 2 Democrat with leaners 3 Pure independent 4 Prefer not to answer
Q17 Which of the following best captures your thinking about COVID-19? 1 It was a problem and not enough was done early on to stop it from getting worse. Count 170 379 95 49 693
% within Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? 36.9% 87.5% 72.0% 61.3% 62.7%
2 It was a problem, but governments overreacted. Count 228 36 29 22 315
% within Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? 49.5% 8.3% 22.0% 27.5% 28.5%
3 It was not a problem at all. Count 63 18 8 9 98
% within Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? 13.7% 4.2% 6.1% 11.3% 8.9%
Total Count 461 433 132 80 1106
% within Party_id In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, independent, or something else? 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Crosstabs - Q17 Which of the following best captures your thinking about COVID-19? * party_approve P(more)arty identification and Biden approval/disapproval on national security Crosstabulation - July 21, 2021(less)
Q17 Which of the following best captures your thinking about COVID-19? * party_approve Party identification and Biden approval/disapproval on national security CrosstabulationQ17 Which of the following best captures your thinking about COVID-19? * party_approve Party identification and Biden approval/disapproval on national security Crosstabulation, table, 2 levels of column headers and 3 levels of row headers, table with 6 columns and 11 rows
  party_approve Party identification and Biden approval/disapproval on national security Total
1 Republicans who disapprove of Biden on nat. sec. 2 Democrats who approve of Biden on nat. sec.
Q17 Which of the following best captures your thinking about COVID-19? 1 It was a problem and not enough was done early on to stop it from getting worse. Count 111 326 437
% within party_approve Party identification and Biden approval/disapproval on national security 31.4% 88.8% 60.7%
2 It was a problem, but governments overreacted. Count 206 23 229
% within party_approve Party identification and Biden approval/disapproval on national security 58.4% 6.3% 31.8%
3 It was not a problem at all. Count 36 18 54
% within party_approve Party identification and Biden approval/disapproval on national security 10.2% 4.9% 7.5%
Total Count 353 367 720
% within party_approve Party identification and Biden approval/disapproval on national security 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%